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Best of Show – Gooey Chocolate Caramel Nougat

A lot has happened since my last post. In February I entered the 2008 Fine Art Show at the Heritage Museum. It is sponsored every year by the local art league. There were 120 entries plus a youth division. This was the first show I had entered and the art consisted of beautiful paintings, watercolor, mixed media, photography, stained glass, metal work and pottery.

At the awards ceremony, as they handed out ribbons and went through my category (there were prizes for each category of art) without mention of my work, I felt disappointed but thought “Well, it’s my first show and I’ve got some stiff competition”. After handing out all of the category awards and by the time they handed out the ‘People’s Choice’ award I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I wasn’t taking anything home except the experience. Then they announced the ‘Best of Show’ and I was shocked to hear my name called out! I was grinning from ear to ear and was thrilled to get top prize in the first show that I entered!

I had submitted three artworks and the winner was ‘Gooey Chocolate Caramel Nougat #1’, a small version of which is embedded. To see a larger version with more detail, follow the link to the piece in my online gallery. The other work I had submitted was ‘Sinuosity #1‘ and ‘Dimensional Peek #1‘.

Gooey Chocolate Caramel Nougat #1

Gooey Chocolate Caramel Nougat #1, a fine art giclee

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