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Infrared images of cloud cover

Infrared images of cloud cover were added today for the U.S. east coast, the Canadian west coast, most of Alaska (also added to visible cloud cover), and Hawaii. The page is located at http://www.pixelatedpalette.com/infraredcloudcover. More to follow!

Edit: The page has been removed from the website.

Satellite Feeds

The satellite feeds for the visible cloud cover are installed.(http://www.pixelatedpalette.com/sailinginfo/visiblecloudcover.html) They show a little bit of the lower Canadian coastline, Newfoundland, the seashores of the continental U.S., the US Great Lakes, Mexico including Baja and the Gulf of California, the Florida Keys, Bermuda, almost all of the Gulf of Mexico, and Cuba and the northernmost […]


Welcome to the Pixelated Palette Blog. Information regarding updates to http://www.PixelatedPalette.com will be posted here. Content will concern itself with new web pages, new features and enhancements, new artwork designs, new sailing information, (your?) sailboat images, and other items related to the website.

The blog will focus on affordable art prints on art paper or […]

Visitor Contributions

This original post read”

“Any links to RSS feeds regarding sailing information or maritime topics of interest will be given serious consideration for inclusion at PixelatedPalette.com

So will any “pics of the day” of maritime interest, marine art, sailing, oceanic topics, and the like.”


The focus of the website has changed to featuring […]