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Art Exposed

I’m one of the artists in a group called “Naked Genius“. We’ve set up a website, published an art book “The Art of Naked Genius“, and are now writing a weekly newsletter that contains short, crisp articles blurb about each artist’s recent creations. A recent artwork usually accompanies each article.

The newsletter, “Art Exposed“, also usually features one piece of additional art every week. We take turns editing the newsletter, and the editor usually features one of his own creations and gives you a little insight about the work.

It’s an interestig newsletter and a short read, so it doesn’t take much time at all to review it. But you’ll see lots of little tidbits about the artists and their art, along with a few other little gems that will be scattered here and there. For example, in this week’s issue of “Art Exposed”, you’ll find seven new pieces of artwork and an article about an artist’s experience with Finerworks. Last week’s issue contains new artwork, and a fun and funky little artistic nonsense movie. Do yourself a favor and check it out. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

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