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I’m an art lover and artist (both digital and traditional) and PixelatedPalette is mainly about introducing you to art and artists that I enjoy. I’ve tossed some of my art into the website, but mostly I feature other artists.

This blog started out about my own art, but will migrate towards featuring affordable art prints by other artists. I’ve already added famous artists such as Georgia O’Keeffe, Ansel Adams, Norman RockwellMontague Dawson, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali and several others on my site, but I also plan on adding artists you probably aren’t familiar with. For example I’ve started to add such artists to the Contemporary Art page. I’m guessing that you haven’t seen most of those artists and their beautiful work. I also intend to feature full pages for some of these artists. An example is the page showing the gorgeous photorealistic artwork of Johannes Wessmark.

I’ll be adding more artwork pages to the site and this blog, so please stop by periodically.

(The artwork that you see changing on the top of this blog are slices of various images of my work.)

One of the best ways to enjoy the PixelatedPalette is, I think, to sit back and watch the slideshow on the home page. It contains a wide variety of art and you should find something there that you enjoy. If you haven’t viewed the show yet, then just follow this link: http://www.pixleatedpalette.com
