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Featured Giclee Art Prints by Kinnally

I have been fortunate enough to have several of my giclee art prints featured on the main page of the sites where I offer my work for sale. Today I was again featured on the front page of Imagekind and the piece they chose was “Reaction“. It’s a bright, colorful artwork with an ‘explosive’ look to it.

Reaction - a giclee art print

The nominal size on the unframed print is 24″ x 24″ but it’s available from 8″ x 8″ up to 44″ x 44″. The nominal finished framed size is 33.8″ x 33.8″.

The selected art paper is a Premium Luster Photo Paper that produces vivid, lifelike images with highly saturated prints. Its 10-mil base keeps the paper wrinkle-free.

Reaction-framed giclee art print

Any of the artist selected mat, paper or other framing options can be easily changed if desired.

The frame, “W2 Zen Copper” – (not a copper frame, that refers to the appearance), is a contemporary tall angled profile that has a hammered, warm gold finish on top and a warm gold satin outer edge.

The top mat is “Cabernet”, a deep red with slight purple undertone and a rich sueded surface (#1609). The second mat is “Gold Bullion”, a dark gold with sponged bronze undertones and a smooth surface (#1205).

The glazing is a protective acrylic, which is designed to block harmful UV rays.

W2 Zen Copper frame 1609f_m_mpl.jpg 1205f_m_mpl.jpg

Again, these selections are easily changed.

Other artworks that have been featured by Imagekind on the front page are “Sinuosity #1“, “Angel’s Wing” and “Red Planet“, and at Redbubble, “Smooth Moves“. These are features that I happened to catch as I reviewed the sites, I don’t know if there were other times that the art was displayed without my knowledge.

In addition, my work has been promoted within Redbubble on numerous group pages and contests, too many to list here. Artworks such as “Dragon Skin” and “Gooey Chocolate Caramel Nougat #1” were featured on different sites for winning contests, one a monthly challenge with 165 entries and one a yearly museum sponsored art show with over 120 entries. Other artwork, for example “Rhino Ruminations” (an animal contest award winner), “Inner Secrets #1“, “A Little Splash of Color“, etc., have been featured on blogs and smaller websites.

It’s a great feeling to have my work accepted by a variety of art related sites and individuals, and I hope to be as successful in the future as I continue to submit my creations to various shows and contests. My sincere thanks to the people and companies involved, I truly appreciate the exposure!

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