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In the Church of the Holy Cross, a giclee

In the Church of the Holy Cross”
A statue inside of the Chapel of the Holy Cross, Sedona, Arizona; built by a Frank Lloyd Wright disciple in 1956.

This photo was taken by me during one of my father’s visits to Arizona. I wish I knew the story behind the statue and what the person depicted in the statue was holding at one time. It almost looks like he had a musical instrument. Look at the graceful position of the fingers on his left hand. Since he’s standing on rocks and thus outside, I suspect that he’s not playing an instrument but rather doing something else. Is he possibly a shepard, or is ‘he’ really a ‘she’?

It has been suggested that this is Joan of Arc, originally holding a sword and staff, which is very possibly correct.

Design Art by Kinnally (An Open Edition giclee art print.)

In the Church of the Holy Cross:

 In the Church of the Holy Cross - a giclee art print

The nominal size on the unframed print is 16″ x 24″ but it’s available from 6.7″ x 10″ up to 32″ x 48″. The nominal finished framed size is 25.5″ x 33.5″.

The selected art paper is a Premium Luster Photo Paper that produces vivid, lifelike images with highly saturated prints. Its 10-mil base keeps the paper wrinkle-free.

In the Church of the Holy Cross - a giclee art print

The 2″ wide frame, “Distressed Black with Gold Bead” – is a traditional black frame with a beautiful gold beaded inner edge. The distressed outer panel angles down to meet the interior accent band. A scoop relieves the exterior side panel and adds a touch of sophistication.

The top mat is “Blackcore Seamist” (#1903), a soft gray beige mat with a black bevel and a lightly textured surface.  The second mat, “Blackcore Ivory Black” (#1901), is a deep black mat with a black bevel and a lightly textured surface.

The glazing is a protective acrylic, which is designed to block harmful UV rays.

default giclee frame default giclee top mat default giclee bottom mat

Again, these selections are easily changed.

Kinnally’s full online art gallery can be viewed HERE. (A small assortment of artwork thumbnails can be viewed at the Pixleated Palette.) A wide selection of other artists and artwork can be viewed HERE.

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